
Embrace Change With Fearless Tenacity

Individual, Couples and Family Counseling
In-Person Sessions Offered in Charlotte, NC, and Online in North Carolina and South Carolina


A Page from Your Diary

I’m hardworking, really good at what I do, and have been blessed immensely throughout my life.

I have family members that deeply care and want to see me happy.

BUT my irrational thinking gets the best of me, and I do hurtful things to the ones I love – and I regret my behavior.

I look in the mirror and am no longer connected to the image staring back at me.

You feel lost.

It’s hard to pinpoint when it happened, but somewhere along the way, you got off track.

More and more frequently, you don’t really feel like yourself anymore.

You don’t know exactly what’s wrong, so fixing it seems hopeless.

Trying to find a solution on your own hasn’t worked.

Turning to self-help books and motivational social media accounts only frustrates you.

Friends and family offer advice that worked for them but doesn’t help you.

You’re becoming increasingly concerned that nothing will ever help, and you’ll be stuck feeling this way forever.

That’s it – enough!

Your work is suffering, you’re tired all the time, and you’re driving your friends and family away.

With the strongest hesitation you’ve ever experienced, you start looking for a licensed therapist.

You’re seeking someone who can be understanding of your situation, but also someone that will make a difference in your life and give it to you straight.

You don’t want to waste more time; you want results.

Here you are… you found me.

There is another way.

Imagine waking up with energy and enthusiasm to start each day.

Picture being able to trust your instincts and not being consumed by self-doubt.

A better way to live is possible and within reach, and I can help you get there.


Hi, Hola, Bonjour, I’m Tania.

I am thrilled you are here.

I believe humans are capable of incredible things and can adapt to, change, and overcome nearly anything. Sometimes, we simply lose track of this ability and need a hard reset – this is where I come in.

Together, we can help you learn to solve problems swiftly without getting stuck and paralyzed by big decisions. You’ll develop tools to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression deftly and with ease.

Nothing brings me more satisfaction than to see a life turned around. I can’t wait to work alongside you on your journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

If you’re down, count me in.


What I Offer

Take an hour out of your week to focus on your life and where it is headed. Some therapy sessions are very intense, while others are filled with laughter. They all serve as an outlet for you to discover and fine-tune your best self and move you closer to your goals.

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When the arguing at home reaches an unhealthy level and talks have turned into yelling matches, it’s time for a couples counseling session. Meeting in a neutral environment and setting ground rules at the beginning of sessions sets the tone for a successful discussion in which demeaning others and yelling are not tolerated. Communicate your thoughts and finally understand what your partner has been trying to tell you.

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Your interpersonal skills are lacking due to several factors. Intolerance, impatience, rigid thinking, and control issues are causing damage to the important relationships that matter in your life. You feel out of control. Therapy can help you identify the maladaptive tendencies you’ve developed over time and learn how to better communicate with others to minimize conflict. Become aware of how to argue effectively without causing long-lasting damage to the ones you care about.

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Online or virtual counseling is offered as a tool so busy individuals still have access to therapy. I am licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina and meet with individuals near and far. Do not allow logistics to get in the way of attending therapy sessions and changing your life.

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Your never-ending struggle ends here.

No more nonsense.

No more lying to yourself that maybe tomorrow will be different.

Reach out now and take the next step on your healing journey!