
Individual Counseling

2033277449Meet “Ian.”*

Ian started attending therapy after reaching a breaking point with his anger and frustration. He could no longer enjoy the life he had worked so hard to create.

What led Ian down a dark path was a series of changes to his career and living arrangements that were out of his control. He went from being overworked in his career to having no job. In addition, Ian suffered a severe physical injury that made it impossible for him to travel for work, limiting his options when looking for a new job.

Outside of work, Ian had limited outlets and found himself floundering. With too much time on hand, he worried most of the time – about everything. Worrying created a pressure cooker situation where he would have outbursts over commonplace scenarios.

Ian went down a rabbit hole of negative thinking that only fueled his anger and despair. Without the ability to sleep, he could not recharge at night, worsening how he felt during the day.

Things got worse for Ian.

Ian got to the point where he’d already written his suicide letter.

He did not have much family to leave behind and thought this was his best option. He felt alone and helpless.

Desperate to find relief, Ian reached out for help. Seeking therapy was something he had put off for a long time until he couldn’t any longer.

His sanity hung in the balance, and his life was at stake.

1282178320Ian was diligent about keeping his appointments.

I challenged Ian’s thinking extensively throughout treatment and asked him to do the same.

There were homework assignments and strategies that Ian received to complete and implement in between therapy sessions. As a dedicated client, Ian completed the homework assignments and implemented the outlined strategies.

Over several months, Ian’s life began to turn around. He was no longer angry and irritable most of the time, could handle obstacles gracefully, and overcame challenges with rational thinking and relaxation techniques.

Most of all, Ian became able to recognize when his thinking was detrimental to his well-being. He learned how to pause and use skills to reframe his thinking to be more helpful.

Individual therapy helped Ian get his life back.

Ian still has moments where frustration could get the best of him, but he has the skillset to ground himself and control his thoughts and emotions.

Through individual therapy, you can do the same as Ian. With dedication and perseverance, you can also turn your life around.

What seems impossible now is possible with support and direction. Let’s discuss your situation and determine how I can support you on this critical journey toward mental health.

*Name and details have been modified to protect confidential information.