

Where is the office located?

My office is in an area called South Park. The office building sits at the intersection of Fairview Road and Barclay Downs. If you are driving north on Fairview Road, once you cross over Barclay Downs, look for the building on your right-hand side.

You can park in front of the building for your session. The office is on the second floor.

6201 Fairview Road, Suite 239
Charlotte, NC 28210

What are your office hours?
I conduct sessions Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 7 PM, and Saturday, 9 AM – 12 PM.
Do you offer virtual sessions and in-person sessions?
Yes, I offer both in-person sessions and virtual sessions. Some clients utilize a hybrid approach, while others are in-person or virtual. I conduct virtual sessions through a platform called Doxy, which is HIPAA-compliant.
How long is a typical session?
Sessions are 50-60 minutes in length.
What is a session like with you?

Not every session will be the same. Some sessions are very intense, while others are more lighthearted. At the beginning of therapy, it is normal to feel awkward and uncomfortable. This feeling should subside within two – three sessions.

As we work together longer, you will feel increasingly more comfortable during your sessions. Weekly, we will review what new coping skills and strategies you are implementing and continually measure your progress toward your goals.

How do I pay?
I accept all major credit cards. Payment is processed electronically after your session. During onboarding, you will receive a request to keep a credit card on autopay that will automatically receive a charge after your session. You can easily access your invoices on the online platform that I utilize.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes, I accept several insurances. I am in-network with Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Cigna, Optum, United Healthcare, and others. Part of your onboarding process will include running an eligibility check to determine your financial responsibility if you plan to use your insurance.
Do you offer self-pay sessions?
Yes, I offer self-pay sessions for clients who don’t have insurance, don’t want to use their insurance, or are out-of-network. My fee is $140 per individual session for individuals and $155 per couples session.
What if I am out-of-network?
If you are out of network, that means that I do not accept your insurance, and you are a self-pay client. If you would like to submit an invoice to insurance for reimbursement, I can provide a superbill for you to do so. A superbill is a document that shows a list of services you received from a healthcare provider.
How do I schedule an appointment?
We will schedule your first appointment during your initial consultation if you decide to proceed with therapy. At the end of each session, we will schedule your next appointment.
Can I cancel an appointment? Do you have a cancellation policy?
Yes, you can cancel your appointment. Please cancel your appointment 24 hours before your session to avoid a cancellation fee. No-show and late cancellations may be subject to a $75 cancellation fee.
What is a free initial phone consultation?
A free phone consultation allows you to interview me as your potential therapist. Given your unique situation, it will also enable me to determine if I am the best clinician to help you.
Are there any conditions with which you don’t work?
Yes. I do not work with clients who are experiencing psychosis or who are in acute crisis. Stabilization is a vital step before I can treat you.
With what age ranges do you work?
I work individually with adolescents and adults. If your child would like to attend a family session, I can accommodate them, and in some situations, I recommend including them.
Do you offer couples counseling?

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy working with couples. It is common for one person in the relationship to be more hesitant about attending couples counseling than the other. I make it a point to acknowledge this and ensure that all parties feel heard, understood, and supported throughout their treatment.

I find it necessary to set ground rules at the beginning of the session to ensure that the sessions are productive and not potentially harmful to the attending parties.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a form of therapy that focuses on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. There are specific strategies and coping skills that you will learn during therapy, and I will ask you to implement them into your everyday life.

Is therapy ever fun?
Absolutely! Once you feel comfortable during your sessions and we have a therapeutic relationship built on trust, it is common to find yourself wanting to go to therapy. Therapy is a time when you can focus solely on yourself and continually work toward improving your life. It is a privilege to be able to attend therapy sessions regularly.
How long will I be in therapy?
While many clients complete therapy in three – six months, others attend therapy sessions for one+ years. These clients enjoy having regular check-ins to maintain their progress. There is no right or wrong length of time to be in therapy, but you can expect to be in therapy for at least six weeks.
What if I can’t open up in therapy?
Believe it or not, this is a common concern of new clients. Clients may find it hard to reveal specific details of their lives to their therapist, even when knowing that this is the intended purpose of therapy. It is helpful to remember that it may take several sessions before you can completely trust and be transparent with your therapist. Putting pressure on yourself or rushing to open up sooner is not helpful. Take it at your own pace.
What does ending therapy look like?
Once we determine that you have reached and can maintain your goals, we will discuss you graduating from therapy. Ending therapy is an exhilarating time in your life but may also be accompanied by sadness that you will no longer be meeting with your therapist. Feeling sad is normal, and feeling a mix of emotions is ok.
Who is your perfect client?

I help busy individuals who lead hectic lives overcome anxiety, depression, and interpersonal challenges. Through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, we address their thought patterns and increase self-awareness. By reframing problems and developing problem-solving skills, they regain confidence and control over their lives.

The therapeutic process enables them to resolve past trauma and find peace within. As a result, they become positive thinkers, empathetic individuals, and effective problem solvers. They experience improved emotional well-being, enhanced relationships, and a positive impact on their physical health.